Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Allen's Drugs in South Miami has been in business since 1954.

We got word that the original ‪#‎vintage‬ ‪#‎neonsign‬ has been removed by the owner, Al Collazo, who has owned the store since 1984. Once an old-school ‪#‎pharmacy‬ complete with soda fountain counter, it operates as a ‪#‎diner‬ with a separate ‪#‎drug‬ store adjacent to it. Collazo sold the ‪#‎prescription‬ side of the business to CVS in 2014 so it is possible that they decided the ‪#‎signage‬ no longer fit with their branding. Unfortunately the owner is not commenting on the whereabouts of the iconic ‪#‎sign‬ which is sad because we are sure lots of places including the Museum of Neon Art @neonmona would be interested in preserving the ‪#‎neon‬! ‪


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